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Akio Hashimoto, InterSystems Developer Community
Anastasia Dyubaylo, Developer Community
Francisco Lopez, InterSystems Developer Community
Francisco Lopez, Ambassador,
Salutic Soluciones,S.L.
Weidong Li, InterSystems Developer Community
Henrique Dias, Developer Community
Ron Sweeney, Developer Community
Ron Sweeney, Ambassador,
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Iryna Mykhailova, InterSystems Developer Community
Xin Yao, InterSystems Developer Community
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Sehen Sie sich die beliebtesten Videos von InterSystems-Entwicklern an

Creating Virtual Models with InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics
Creating Virtual Models with InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics
Adaptive Analytics includes built-in AI to improve query speed based on common requests by automatically creating data aggregates. Business users and analysts can access data using their business intelligence tool of choice.
Introduction to Cubes in Business Intelligence
Introduction to Cubes in Business Intelligence
See how cubes are constructed for use in business intelligence, and learn about SQL and MDX query languages.
Flexible Data Modeling with InterSystems Globals
Flexible Data Modeling with InterSystems Globals
Learn about InterSystems globals, the data model native to InterSystems IRIS® data platform that makes data storing efficient and provides the flexibility your data needs
Embed Business Intelligence into your Applications with InterSystems IRIS
Embed Business Intelligence into your Applications with InterSystems IRIS
InterSystems IRIS® Business Intelligence offers a complete set of tools for embedding business intelligence into your applications, making it easier to get insights into your data.
Using the VS Code Debugger for InterSystems ObjectScript
Using the VS Code Debugger for InterSystems ObjectScript
See how VS Code’s debugger for InterSystems ObjectScript helps you step through and inspect code.
What is the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server
What is the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server
Learn about the InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service, the fully managed FHIR data solution that empowers FHIR application developers to focus on building life-changing healthcare applications.