FREE Hands-On Tutorial:
InterSystems IRIS for Health Interoperability

Reduce the time, cost and complexity of integrating with EHRs and other clinical systems.
Introduction to HL7 V2 Integrations in InterSystems IRIS for Health

InterSystems IRIS for Health

Advanced Interoperability. Unprecedented Speed. Massive Scale.
InterSystems IRIS for Health™ was created specifically to address and improve health data workflows and is the most widely adopted data platform in digital health.

It provides advanced interoperability, unprecedented speed, analytics, and massive scalability for applications used in healthcare delivery, healthcare insurance, life sciences, medical devices, health information exchanges, and government healthcare.
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About the Tutorial
In this tutorial you’ll learn how easy it is to integrate an application with data from an electronic health record (EHR). InterSystems IRIS for Health simplifies this process with:
  1. "Out-of-the-box" data transformations to and from HL7 FHIR and other interoperability standards and protocols
  2. A low/no code interface to manage message flows easily
  3. An integration engine that comes with a database for message storage, auditing and tracing, guaranteed message delivery, and more
Note: Time for this tutorial is about 40 minutes
man working at laptop

Getting Started

The tutorial is structured as follows:
  1. InterSystems IRIS interoperability introduction
  2. Routing rules and simple transformations
  3. Complex data transformations for messages
  4. Transformation to tables
  5. Continuing the journey
There are brief multiple choice quizzes between the sections to help you remember what you’ve learned.